SHORT ANSWER. Yes. If it’s a PuciPOWER Bank, it can actually act as a link to all things sexy and in some cases, has been known to actually lead to sex. You see, the mere mention of the name evokes curiosity and interaction by both sexes. Now we all know that these two elements are precursors to getting to know people and create an interesting topic for interaction. And, well yes, that can and does lead to sexual encounters . . . of the PuciPOWER kind. That’s the short answer.

LONG ANSWER. Maybe. For there is no way to actually guarantee these results. However, just the mention of the word, has been know to guarantee some sort of results. Some have been good, some have been bad, some have been mediocre. But as they say in the advertising world, “Without advertising, a very bad thing happens . . . . . . NOTHING!” We can therefore draw a conclusion from this fact. And that is, that without the edge that puciPOWER can give us, in terms of advertising, something very bad can happen. This of course leads us to contemplate Murphy’s Law. You know, I think it goes something like “If something bad can happen, it will!”.

So, getting back to the powers of the puciPOWER, I suppose we could culminate with a moral which might be “Don’t put your puciPOWER on display, if you don’t want to see sex coming by your way”.

Now for those who might say this is putting a lot of explicit content on the line, with just a simple Power Bank, we should note that puci is an acronym for Personal Ultimate Charge Interface, not what some people are thinking. Not to mention any names. Get yours here:

PuciPOWER Mirror Power Bank

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